Hello. We live in the Sacramento area and have been very frustrated in the last few years by the gridlock we're experiencing as Sacramento grows and more drivers need to commute. This page is not really a rant, rather a collection of tips from a former driving instructor to help us all work toward a faster, less frustrating commute, and to arrive at our destinations sooner and happier.

Let's work together to make California's roads a better place.


Number One tip is to give the other guy a break.
There is a recognized phenomenon, that as soon as a person gets behind the wheel they feel insulated from their surroundings and emboldened by the power of the vehicle. Many become agressive, competitive or even combative, when they would never do this outside the car. We've all seen drivers act recklesly to push ahead of one more car, speed up so as not to allow themselves to be passed or to retaliate for being passed, or gesture or yell obscenities. And outside the car these are the nicest people in the world. Sacramento has many generous, helpful, friendly people. People who go out of their way to help someone in need.

Why do people become so angry behind the wheel?

We all need to remember to be nice to our fellow drivers. Give them a break. Allow them to change lanes in front of you. Let them get by if they're running late and have to hurry. Or forgive them for a mistake. Be the kind person you are.


If you need to brake on the freeway, you're following too close.
On the freeway, if you brake, you make the car behind you brake too, and this can snowball until behind you, everything grinds to a full stop. Leave enough room between you and the car in front of you, that if they slow down, all you need to do is take your foot off the gas and coast for a moment. (it helps also if you know how to shift down one gear - in most late model cars just take it out of overdrive - OD) Most times the car ahead will speed back up and you can resume your speed. All without forcing the people behind you to drastically slow down. Not only does this promote better flow of traffic, it'll save you gas, wear and tear on your car, and your temper.


This is illegal and highly dangerous. Need I say more?
Yes, I do. Get off the phone! This means texting, it means games, news, traffic conditions. It also means having the phone on speaker and holding it near your ear, or in your lap. If you gotta do it, get a real hands-free system.
If it's an emergency, pull off the freeway and stop out of the way.
You don't need to be on the phone all the time. What happened to the radio? the CD player? Nice tunes or talk radio or news. They're all easily available. Conversation with your passengers. Interact with your kids.

The phone can wait.


Don't throw cigarette butts out the window. Not even ashes. Nor litter. EVER.
This is just nasty. It also shows you have no respect for the place you live or the people around you.


If cars are passing you on the right, you are in the wrong lane. Move over.
The California Vehicle Code says you should stay to the right if there is any faster traffic. No distinction is made for speed - meaning even if a car is driving faster than the speed limit, you should not impede their progress.


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Leave the carpool lane for carpools.
Even the carpool lane in signal controlled on-ramps.
Yes, it's a frustrating delay to wait your turn to enter the freeway. But how more frustrating to be honestly waiting your turn, only to see driver-only cars zoom by in the carpool lane? Our only positive thought may be "they'll get caught sooner or later". If you're one of these, get in line and wait your turn. Give the other guys in line a break. Be nice. You WILL get caught if you keep it up.

Don't do something you'd have to apologize for.
I know a person who doesn't exercise self control. They will go ahead and do something they know they shouldn't do. Then they have to apologize, and they feel truly bad about it. So don't do it if you know you should apologize for it. Don't do it if you know you'll be sorry later.
You know you'll feel better for doing this.


Obey the Law.
It pretty much all comes down to this. And don't forget the Golden Rule is a law too. So obey the written law and be nice to people. Traffic will flow better, we all will not get so frustrated, we'll all bebetter off.


Thanks for reading. More to come...

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